The club is open most Wednesday and Saturday mornings from 8am. Monthly focus days are arranged for members to learn to make particularly items.
The club’s traditional focus on wood turning has been expanded with growing attention to scroll saw work, intarsia, wood carving, pyrography and furniture making to cater for a wider range of interests.
Training on the use of major equipment is given on a one to one basis and signed off after competency.
While the club occasionally arranges classes in some specific aspects of woodcraft, experienced club members readily provide advice and assistance to new members on request.
The preparation of timber for club projects or for sale is also undertaken.
Workshop nights involve demonstrations with members encouraged to participate.
Morning workshop sessions allow members to work on their own projects, learn new skills or simply watch others at work whereas night meetings and workshops usually conclude with tea and coffee provided by the club at a minimum cost. Morning workshops also include a coffee/tea break.
General meetings are held every few months to deal with club business and usually conclude with a Show and Tell session of members work. The Management Committee meet regularly.
Major events for the club include:
* Organising the Woodcraft section of the annual Fraser Coast Show in Maryborough, held in May.
* An Annual Open Day in July with displays, sales and demonstrations. In 2022 we will be combining this with the Fraser Coast Expo on 22, 23, 24 July.
* Bus trips to a woodworking venue To Be Announced.
* Demonstrations and displays at special events in Maryborough and Districts.
* Demonstrations and displays in conjunction with other events at the Maryborough Showgrounds.
* Working bees to collect logs donated to the club and assist with the slabbing of logs.
* End of year break-up.